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Contributing Positive Energy

People resonate constantly with energy. One person in a room resonates at their own comfortable energy. As you add more and more people to that room, the energy compounds. If it's a positive energy, that can be an amazing thing. But if it's negative, the result can be catastrophic. The key is to not absorb the negative energy, but to acknowledge it and then let it pass through you. That way you only contribute positive energy to the world.


Blaming the outside world, removes any personal responsibility for our lives. To take control of our lives, we need to share the blame.

Skewed View

Our view of the world is so skewed by negativity. The fact that the vast majority of people on this planet, are not murders, rapists, abusers or just plain mean...seems to be completely ignored by most. I think it's pretty frekin amazing that 7 billion people, can get along as well as we do.

Healing With Music

It's been said, "Music soothes the savage beast." What is your beast? Is it a sad heart...a negative thought or maybe something else? Only you know exactly what it is. No matter what it is, music has the ability to lift you out of your funk or give you a different insight. Why? Because your heart has the natural ability to sync itself up with the beat of a song. Doesn't matter what style of music. Learn the one that resonates most positively with you, and you will have a another valuable tool, in your arsenal against negativity.


How many "shoulds" do you have in your life? Maybe you should work harder? Maybe you should call that old friend? Maybe you should eat and drink less? There are countless things that we tell ourselves we "should be doing." The problem with "shoulds" is that they are generally based on ours or more often somebody else's, ideals. Ideals are great but are not always based in reality. And it becomes very easy to overwhelm ourselves with a stack load of tasks that we can never hope to accomplish. Rather than making something a "should," ask your self.." Is this really important to me?" Don't try to pretend it is, if it isn't. Yes, try to do the right thing, but do the right thing that is in alignment with your being...not just an ideal.

Breath In

Breath in / Breath out.
It's our lowest common denominator.


Paths of doubt, lead nowhere. Even a wrong path, can lead you to your destination.

Life's Gift

Life's gift is the present. Live in the now.


Stop being what you or everyone want's you to be and try just being.

Maintaining Positve Energy Flow

"The two states of being and doing  are a perfect example of ying and yang. One does not use much energy in the "being" state, so if a person remains in it too long, there is a build up and they will feel restless. And as the "doing" state does require energy, a person that remains in it too long, will end up feeling burnt out once resources are too low. Keeping these two states in balance, is key to maintaining a positive energy flow."